DataCite 2011, recap
by Karthik Ram. Average Reading Time: about a minute.
I had a fantastic time at the DataCite summer 2011 meeting: Data and the Scholarly Record: The Changing Landscape [full schedule] that happened right here in Berkeley. In addition to great talks, I was pretty stoked to interact with a diverse group of people (practicing scientists/data researchers to publishers/repository managers) and also connect with twitter folks IRL. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my thanks to Trisha Cruse and Perry Willett for making it possible for me to attend. Here is my (incomplete) summary of the conference while everything is still current in my head.
- John Wilbanks (Creative Commons) presented a great keynote.
Knowledge is a public good and increases in value as the number of people possessing it increase.
- Heather Piwowar spoke on data citation challenges
As more datasets become citable, fewer papers will be cited as proxy which is the current practice.
Related: Data archiving is a good investment [cite]10.1038/473285a[/cite]
- Jason Priem on altmetrics
Todays journals are still the best scholarly communication system possible using 17th century technology!
Related: Altmetrics Manifesto
Gigascience [@] - a new open-access journal that aims to revolutionize data dissemination, organization, understanding, and use. The journal will also publish large datasets alongside papers (also independently?) with citable DOIs
Open Network Biology - Another new journal that links papers to datasets
Pangea – repository for earth sciences and environmental data
DataCite Metadata schema for citing research data [pdf]
Other summaries of the meeting
My recap of the DataCite meeting #datacite
[...] Reflections from Karthik on DataCite 2011. [...]
Head full from DataCite 2011 meeting. Great summary of meeting by @_inundata here: #datacite
My recap of the DataCite meeting #datacite
RT @carlystrasser: Head full from DataCite 2011 meeting. Great summary of meeting by @_inundata here: #datacite
Another summary RT @carlystrasser Head full from DataCite 2011 mtg. Great summary of mtg by @_inundata here: #datacite
Very useful #datacite 2011 recap from @_inundata (via @carlystrasser, @joan_starr):